
Click here for the Facebook Event


Saturday, April 16 · 6:30pm - 9:30pm


Public School 199

270 W 70th St

New York, NY

Created By

Egyptian Association for Change - USA الجمعية المصرية للتغيير

More Info

Join us for a presentation and question and answer session with Mona Eltahawy and musical performances.
Mona Eltahawy is an award-winning columnist and an international public speaker on Arab and Muslim issues. She is based in New York.
Adam Echawadi is a Moroccan singer who performs classic Egyptian songs.
Abdou Shabana is an Egyptian singer who has written several songs about January 25th and the following revolution.
Tickets are $20. All proceeds to benefit Egyptians who were injured during the revolution.

أُوبريت الثوره الكبيــره

دفع الجمهور ثمن التذكره الباهظ وذهب لمشاهدة الأوبريت الذى طال انتظاره. لا يعلم أحد خيوط العرض ولا مفاتيح اللغز. خلف الستار وفى ظلام المسرح يجلس رجل بيده خيوط العرائس يحركهم كما يريد
يعرف رجل الظلام ما يرغب الجمهور فى سماعه ومشاهدته، فهو يعلم علم اليقين أن أول عرض سيكون المسرح ممتلئ عن آخره وأنه يجب طاعة الجمهور وإسعاده. وهو يعرف أيضا أن الجمور لا يهتم بالخواتيم قدر إهتمامه بالبدايه
آمن رجل الظلام بأنه مع بداية الحزء الثانى من الأوبريت، سوف ينسى الجمهور قصة الأوبريت الحقيقيه لأن كل مشاهد سوف يحاول جاهدا إقناع من يجلس بجواره بأنه بطل العرض وأنه هو من كتبه وأخرجه
نسى الجمهور السبب الرئيسى لذهابهم إلى المسرح وبدأ رجل الظلام فى تحريك العرائس كيفما شاء.قام بتغير الأبطال بكمبارس قديم
أطفأ الأنوار وغير ديكور المسرح خلسه فى غفلة الجمهور. وعندما كف الناس عن الجدال والنقاش ونظروا إلى المسرح وجدوا نفس الوجوه القديمه تعتلى خشبة المسرح! أين ذهب العرض الجديد الذى من أجله دفعوا ثمن باهظ؟؟؟ الإجابه تكمن بين أصابع رجل الظلام

الأجندات الأجنبيه تغزو البلاد العربيه

الأجندات الأجنبيه والأيادى الخفيه ملئت البلاد العربيه. ولو كان عمر سليمان ناصح وبينظر لقدام، كان أخذ برائه إختراع الأجندات دى وكان زمانه عمل شوال فلوس. لكن للأسف عمر أجنده كانت نظرته الاجنديه قصيره وما كانتش بتوصل غير لميدان التحرير فقط. ماكنش يعرف أن الاجندات هيبقى عليها طلب بالطريقه دى. أهو البحرين وليبيا واليمن بدأو يستوردو من بره

#Yemen عبد الله صالح يعلن استعداده للتنحي بشرط تسليم السلطة لأيد أمينة

الديكتاتور اليمنى قال أنه على إستعداد أن يتنحى عن السلطه حقنا للدماء بس بشرط : أن السلطه تروح ليد أميــــــنه
بس الديكتاتور ماقلناش يقصد أمينه مين؟
أمينه رزق
ولا أمينه زوجه سى السيد فى بين القصرين
ولا أمينه أم عماد حمدى فى كل افلامه؟؟
ولا أمينه بائعة  الفجل والجرجير فى مزلقان محطه قطار سيدى بشر قبلى؟
ياراجل عيب على شيبتك دى. إرجل بقى وخلى عندك شويه دم

المشير وعساكره عاوزين يشحنوا

الجيش رصيده نفذ من زمان ويا يشحن يا يطلب من الشعب سلفني شكرا
حالات التعذيب والكشف عن عذريه البنات في المتحف
سرور والشريف وعزمي فين وبيعملو ايه
جمال مبارك ظروفه ايه في الهوليله دي
قانون منع التظاهر اللي بيتم تطبيخه في الظلمه

انت مش كاسرين عينا أو عشقينا في الظلمه ولا ماسكين علينا حاجة
الثورة أخذ وعطاء ومش كل اللى قالوا نعم دارويش ومن بتوع لا تجادل يا على

غرامه نصف مليون جنيه والحبس لبعض حالات الاعتصام

القرار لم يتحول لقانون بعد. المجلس العسكرى لابد ان يوافق عليه اولا .. وانا اود ان اقول للمجلس العسكرى ان عدم الموافقه على المرسوم هو القرار الصائب لان رصيدكم معنا قد نفذ ويجب اعاده شحن البطاقه
اللى شاغلنى فى مشروع القانون ده هو النص مليون  جنيه؟ يعنى اى حد نازل التحرير ياخد معاه النص مليون جنيه بتاعه فى شوال؟ ولا المجلس العسكرى والحكومه بيقبلوا فيزار وماستر كارت؟
اسئله يجب الاجابه عليها من المجلس العسكرى وحكومه شرف اللى من غير تظاهرات كان زمانه شغال تباع على ميكروباس خط العتبه رمسيس
الاعتصام السلمى والتظاهر حق مشروع لاى مواطن بقانون او بغير قانون وايام مبارك السوداء خير شاهد. فى اكثر من 400 شهيد ضحوا بحياتهم علشان هذا الحق

Daily Show: Radical Muslim Hearings

The Daily Show - Radical Muslim Hearings
Tags: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook

Sorry Japan, we have morons among us!


Dear Japan,

Please forgive us. We did not make Glenn Beck or Ann Coulter; God is punishing us with the two of them. Glenn Back, the ultra idiot, said that the Japanese Disaster was a message from god and he also found the solution to all of our problems. The controversial political commentator suggested the Ten Commandments as a solution to current global woes. So in order for us to stop Gaddafi from killing his people, we will have to follow the Ten Commandments! Let say we followed the Ten Commandments, how do we make Gaddafi follow them!!

Since Beck is as bright as Gaddafi, I suggest that he should go to Libya and speak with Gaddafi about it. It will be great media for FOX news! Two smart men like Gaddafi and Beck just having a conversation. Wow; It is epic!

The other Moron we got is Ann Coulter who took her stupidity to a whole new level. During a segment on Bill O'Reilly's show, Coulter said " radiation is good for you"

And Yes the show was of course on our beloved FOX!

Coulter posted in her website that ".... The only good news is that anyone exposed to excess radiation from the nuclear power plants is now probably much less likely to get cancer."

Bill O'Reilly tried to be funny and told Coulter " So by your account, we should all be heading for the nuclear reactor"

People like Coulter and Beck should not be allowed near Radios or TVs because they are the definition of embarrassment. Think about it this way, will you ever give your 5 years old kid a bomb as a toy?

I want Dick Cheney invites Beck and Coulter to one of his hunting trip. And who knows, may be god will send them a message!

Hillary Clinton Visit to Egypt!

Hillary Clinton visited Egypt and Tahrir Square few days ago. She met with the Egyptian PM and the Minister of Defense. No one really know the hidden reasons behind the meeting. However, few days after the meeting, the Security Council has passed the No Fly Zone on Libya and we also read in the News that the Egyptian Army was going to arm the Libyans Oppositions.

I am hundred percent sure, the meeting was all about these two points. But some people think The Secretary of State also wanted to know what’s going on with the upcoming Egyptian Referendum and to make sure the Egyptian – Israeli peace treaty is secured !

Other people think the Army wants to get the US blessing on introduction General Samy Anan as a candidate for the Presidency which will stir lots of anger among Egyptians.

The Secretly of State wanted to meet with some activists from the Jan 25 Revolution, but the guys declined. The activists did not forget that the US administration did not support the Revolution from the beginning. A friend of mine said “ why should we meet her now when she turned her back to us” Clinton was not the first foreign official to get denied. The Activists rejected a meeting with some EU officials right after Mubarak stepped down.

The Egyptians activists point of view regarding meeting with Western Officials at this time is simple. They feel the west supported Mubarak for so many years regardless of the activists calls for reform and human rights improvements. Specially for Egyptians, the Revolution gave them some confidence and we know now that we are able to change anything with or without the Western Governments’ support.

The relationship between the West and the Middle east was changed forever. The people of the Middle East feel some power after the Tunisian and the Egyptian Revolutions. And I guarantee you this, if the our next government did anything stupid, you will see Tahrir Square filled again with people.

Most of the Arab dictators learned or are still learning the POWER of the people and sooner or later, they are going to respect it.

جرائم الإعلام الحكومى المصرى

Mubarak-photoshop2 jan25

كان مبارك هو رب الاستقرار وراهب الديمقراطية علي لسان جميع قنوات الإعلام الحكومي المصري المكتوبة والمسموعة والمرئية. مصر كانت مبارك ومبارك هو مصر. فجر جمال مبارك ثورة التغيير في الحزب الوطني كما وصفه رقاص العصر الحديث احمد عز

عندما سافر مبارك لإجراء جراحه في المانيا ، كتب ممتار القط مقاله تاريخية في الدعارة الصحفيه بعنوان " الشعب عاوز يأخذ فيزا وبجي يشوفك يا ريس" وغنت شرين لعوده مبارك بكلمات لأيمن بهجت قمر لا تقل جمالا عن كلمات ممتاز القط . أيمن بهجت قمر وشربن جعلا من مبارك أبا لكل المصريين

ومع تراجع دور مصر الدبلوماسي دوليا ، إستطاع أسامة سرايا بسلاح الفوتوشوب ان يجعل مبارك سابقا لأوباما في الملحمه التعبيرية الشهيرة

وعلي غرار القط كان عبدالله كمال وكرم جابر يسبحان في بحر من الخبال والرومانسيه الصحفيه عن إنجازات مبارك وكأنها مكتوبه بالحبر السري الذي لا يراه إلا رأفت الهجان وجمعه الشوال

في بداية الثوره كان التلفزيون والإعلام المصري ينعت الثوار بالمخربين الذين يعملون لصالح أجندات عمر سليمان الشهيرة. وعندما أطلق النظام المخلوع كلابه علي أبطال التحرير لتفريقهم كان التلفزيون المصري يعرض صورا للقاهرة وكانها عاصمة سويسرا

استخدم جهاز أمن الدوله الحقير وسائل الإعلام الجكوميه لنشر الشائعات والترويج للفتنه الطائفية. وصفت جريدة الجمهوريه خالد سعيد بشهيد البانجو الهارب من التجنيد

جرائم الإعلام في حق الشعب المصري تفوق جرائم مبارك ونظامه ولا يجب غفرانها بسهولة

فهذا الإعلام بعيد كل البعد عن الصدق والاستقلاليه. ويجب تطهيره كما يطهر الثوب الأبيض من الدنس

The Egyptian State Media? Still full of shit!

The Egyptian State Media is now calling Mubarak's regime " The Corrupts" Really? No shit!

The photo above is the cover of the Egyptian Radio and TV Magazine and the title is " Special File: Wanted!The Corrupts"

Where were you in the last 30 years?  Busy kissing the dictator’s ass i assume.

Thanks to the Revolution that gave you the courage and the balls!

2 months ago, same Media gave Mubarak so many titles:

  • The Leader
  • The Honest Man
  • The Warrior
  • The Man with wise vision
  • The Peace Keeper
  • The Man who built Egypt

Now they are attacking him left and right. What a shame! Shame on every journalist who hides the truth. Shame on every TV host who takes his agenda from the government’s Buildings!

These people may be did not kill anyone by guns and bullets, but they have killed so many generations by fabricating the facts and twisting the truth.

They are now calling us the Generation of the Revolution! 2 months ago, we were spices who were working for foreign agendas to destroy Egypt.

And for the record, I will never trust the Egyptian Media as long as it is owned by the government.

نصف الحريه

لا يوجد نصف للحرية فهي كالزوجه أو الزوج تأخذها بخيرها وشرها إذا كنت تحبها لا يمكن ان تتجزا أو تختار منها ما تحب وترضي. في كل منا يكمن ديكتاتور متعصب لدين أو مبدأ أو اتجاه سياسي ولابد من الخلاص من هذا الديكتاتور حتي تنعم بتلك الكلمة السحريه - حريه

بعد الخلاص من مبارك وبعض من عصابته بدأ الكلام عن التعديلات الدستورية والانتخابات الرئاسيه ومع ذلك ظهرت كلمات التخوين و الاتهامات

إذا كنت مقتنع بمرشح ما فلابد ان تقنغني به كي أغير رأي فيه . تعصبك له ليس بكافي. وأسلوب إقناعك سوف يؤثر علي قراري

  الثوره هي بداية عهد جديد ليس للدولة فقط ولكن يجب ان تكون بداية لنا كشعب أيضا . الأسلوب الراقي في التواصل والحوار هو صفه من صفات التحضر والرقي لدي الشعوب والمجتمعات

تكذيب الغير ليس دليلا علي صدقك وتخوين البعض ليس دليلا علي وطنيتك

الحريه هي مسؤوليه ولم تكن يوما هبه أو عطية! أعمل كي تنعم بها وتحافظ عليها

The Egyptian constitution Referendum!

  Muslims Brotherhood’s sign endorses the changes and asking people to vote YES!

Despite the huge argument about voting Yes or No in the upcoming Egyptian's referendum, so many people are just happy to VOTE.

For the first time in so many years, Egyptians are going to vote on something and they don't actually know the results in advance. We are used to the NDP wining by huge margin. In the 80s, it was 99.9%, it went down in the 90s to 98%, but in the last decade, it was 82%!

This voting will be the first in my generation without the name Mubarak written any where!

The referendum is on some articles in the constitution that discuss the Presidency and Parliament elections and the requirements for the candidates.

Some people want a brand new constitution instead of the one we have which was created in 1971.The other think the referendums are adequate. There is also calls to boycott the referendum!

The voting is only for Egyptians who live inside Egypt. For Egyptians who are living abroad, they have no say in this. They still cannot vote.

In my opinion, people should go out and vote and use the right that Mubarak hijacked for the last 30 years. Whether you like the new constitution’s articles or not, you have to go and cast your vote. Sitting home will not do you any good. The Army and the new government should learn that the people of the NEW Egypt are not going to give up their rights anymore. Glory to jan25.

Bahrain :Face To Face Shooting - alwefaqtube

Amr Moussa and the free media!

Amr Moussa failed in his first democracy test. The Arab League Secretary General who is hoping to run for the Egyptian Presidency had a meeting with some Egyptian Youth in El Sawy Culture Wheel last week. And after the meeting, he asked if he could review and edit the tape!

Amr Moussa still has the Mubarak Regime's mentality. Editing and trimming the truth was one of Mubarak's best skills.

The Egyptian Revolution gave  Moussa the opportunity to run for the Presidency, but he did not understand the demands of the Revolution .

Free and Fair Media is one of the revolution's demands and if Moussa does not live up to these demands, he should not think of the Presidency.

Gaddafi is asking for the Dictators’ support!

Gaddafi sent a special representative to Egypt and some other countries. It seems like the Libyan Dictator is looking for the Arab League's support on the No Fly Zone issue. Don't forget, the Arab league is only missing Mubarak and Bin Ali. So he has more than 20 dictators left.
Gaddafi told the Turkish TV that his regime must stay in power to ensure security and stability to EU and Israel. He added, without him, EU would be flooded with illegal Africans Immigrants!
The interesting point for me is what is the Arab League going to do?
Amr Moussa, the front runner for the Egyptian Presidency Race is the Secretary General for the Arab league. He will hold this position till next May.
After the Egyptian Revolt , Moussa said he was with the Revolt and the Egyptians people demands of reforms and democracy.
Now, What Moussa is going to do with the Libyans Revolt? Is he going to support Gaddafi or the Libyans people?
Moussa served as Mubarak secretary of State for so many years. He was one of the NDP.

we will wait and see!

America is smarter than Peter King!

The congressman's supporters organized a pathetic protest yesterday in Times Square. King will head the first special House Homeland Security Committee hearing this coming Thursday.
The New York congressman says the hearing will focus on the rising domestic terror threat posed by radicalized American Muslims. He also says that American Muslims are not doing enough to stop it.
I don’t know how he is so sure about that, but you never know. Republicans and Tea Party members have super powers like Wonder women and Spiderman!
Peter King does not believe he is singling out Muslims or promoting anti-Muslims hatred. He thinks he is the voice of Truth!!!
People like King make me ashamed of our country for a little bit, but as always, we survived so many idiots like him because America is smarter than King!

The Libyan Revolution must survive!

If Gaddafi survived the ongoing Libyan Revolution, the Arab Revolutions will stop for a while. Arab dictators are prying for Gaddafi's victory. They are watching him killing as many people as needed to stay in power. And they will do the same thing.

I personally don't want any international involvement in Libya. I want the Libyan people to win their own fight and taste their own hand made victory.

I am supporting the Libyan people behind the Keyboard, and by going to every protest here in New York and I really don't know what else I can do.

I pray for the Libyan heroes to achieve their honorable goal and get rid of such a criminal who has no pride nor dignity.

I believe down deep inside my heart that the Libyan people will win because they are fighting for a cause.

I am just concerned about how many victims will it take?

#NYC : Rally to demand the right to #Vote for Egyptians Abroad !!

Vote English


Thursday, March 10 · 2:30pm - 5:00pm


Egyptian Consulate (2nd Avenue & 57th street)

Created By

Egyptian Association for Change - USA الجمعية المصرية للتغيير

More Info

Voting while living abroad is a fundamental right of all Egyptians which we have been systematically denied. With an estimated 9 million Egyptian citizens, representing more 10% of the population of Egypt, living outside of the country, this exclusion is not acceptable and must end. Invite all your friends, share the event.

Egypt: The Fall of the State Security!

For those who don't know The Egyptian State Security; it was a country inside the country. As a secret branch of the police specialized in torture and kidnapping people. Cleary, you can call it, Mubarak Security, not the State Security. Egyptian people called it the Capital of Hell.

Yesterday, the people of the great city of Alexandria stormed the State Security building in Alexandria trying to protect the files that the State Security tried to get rid of. The State Security guards fired live bullets at the people and did not stop till the army got involved. Eventually, the people won the battle and took control of the building.

Today people all over Egypt, did the same thing. They went to dissolve this corrupted organization after years of suffering.

The stories we heard about these State Security buildings were horrifying. The people discovered Torture tools, underground jails, dark tiny rooms, and some graves!!!! The most important discovery was some documents which confirmed the involvement of the State Security in Sectarian Egypt suffered from in the last few years.

The State Security ruled Egypt by the help of Mubarak and the Emergency law which they used to shut down the opposition for the last 30 years. Dissolving the State Security was one of the Revolution’s major demands and it is another victory for the people of Egypt.

المصريين بالخارج وحقهم فى التصويت

أول مره انتخب فيها فى حياتى كانت هنا فى نيويورك . ولما الست المتطوعه اللى فى اللجنه عرفت كده قالت للناس كلها ان ده اول مره ينتخب والناس اللى فى اللجنه كلها قعدوا يصقفوا. فى أمريكا لو انت من ارباب السوابق علشان يعقبوك بيمنعوك من الانتخاب! فعلاُ اخد صوتك منك هو عقاب ليك لانك بدون صوت ملكش قيمه. وده اللى عمله معانا نظام مبارك فى الثلاثين سنه اللى فاتت بالرغم اننا مش من ارباب السوابق. اخد اصواتنا زى ما اخد حقوق كتيره من حقوقنا. النظام المخلوع جعل المصرى يشعر ان صوته ملوش قيمه ولذلك اصبح معظم الناس سلبين بالنسبه للانتخابات. مفيش حد منهم بينزل من بيته اصلا. لكن دلوقت وبعد الثوره، كثر الكلام عن الانتخابات الرئاسيه والتعديلات الدستوريه لكن للاسف محدش جاب سيرة الملايين من المصريين بالخارج. يا ترى هيكون لهم الحق فى الانتخابات؟ وعلى هيفضل الوضع المباركى كما هو عليه؟ مبارك كانت حجته خايبه زيه لكن دلوقت مفيش حجج واعذار. المصريين فى الخارج ما يقلوش وطنيه عن اخوانهم داخل مصر ومن حقهم أن يختارو من يمثلهم الاخوه القائمين على التعديلات الدستوريه لا تنسو حق المصريين فى الخارج كما نساهم مبارك ولما يتذكر غير 1.8 مليار دولار من التحويلات السنويه مبارك وعصابته سرقوا كل شئ جميل من مصر. آن الآوان لعودة كل ما هو جميل

Egyptians abroad deserve the right to vote.

For the last 30 years, Egyptians did not feel that their votes count. Most of them did not even bother going to the Poll. And why would they? if they knew for sure that Mubarak would steal the election, and give it to his NDP thugs.

When Egyptians abroad asked to vote back then, the joke was like this “ When Egyptians inside Egypt can vote first!"

Now and after the Revolution, people feel very excited to vote. Everyone is looking forward to that day when the vote actually means something.

Till this moment, no one discussed whether if the Egyptians abroad will be able to vote or not.

As one of these millions Egyptians abroad, I ask the people who are working on fixing the constitution NOT to forget us. We are as Egyptian as any of you. And we deserve the right to choose who represents us.

Mubarak hijacked all of our rights for the last 30 years and we want them back!

Dear US media, Wisconsin is right here!

 Fight like an egptian

I am trying to understand why major stations in the US such as CNN, NBC, and ABC are not covering the Wisconsin Working Class Revolution.

Last night on CNN, Piers Morgan was talking with the Sexiest Man alive from the 80s. And CNN international was joking how Ben who is currently in Libya showered only once in the last week!

So, if there is no news coming from the Middle East, we just play dumb ass media such as Charlie Sheen stupidity. They spend hours analyzing how Charlie Sheen ruined his career! How about the Career of the people in Wisconsin who are actually fighting just to survive not to make millions of dollars!

We keep bragging about our free media and now it is the right time to ask how free we are talking about. I bet if Al Jazeera is allowed in the US, it will do a better coverage.

There are so many concerns about the level of Journalism in these major stations, but being bias is a new thing!

With or without you, the Wisconsin people will win!

Call for Action, Reasons to go to #Tahrir Square this Friday, 4th march

The Egyptian Movement for Transitional Justice

1-The installation of an odd-numbered Presidential Council (Presidium) including a representative of the Armed Forces to replace the High Military Council. This Revolution is a People's revolution and not a military coup d'etat.

2-The replacement of Ahmed Shafik's and his cabinet by a cabinet of technocrats appointed by the Presidium.

3-The dismantling, not the restructuring, of the State Security apparatus (SS, sounds familiar, doesn't it?), and the immediate return of the full police force to its positions after removal of all its leaders who were directly related to the massacres and corruption. (And for those who still doubt that the current situation is not intended to perpetuate chaos, kindly explain why the police is still absent from our streets except for 8 hours a day?).

4-The full and proper redrafting of our Constitution by an independent council to allow for Presidential elections to precede Parliamentary ones by a sufficient time. (No more nonsense about the president having to swear in front of the parliament. This clause of the constitution must be changed and the pledge for the coming president's first term, ONLY, excepted. I would just like to remind you that our last president swore 5 or 6 times in front of a parliament, and it didn't prevent him from perjury. So to all those who keep repeating this misleading statement, please, get serious).

5-Bring all the heads of the previous regime to Justice for the right crime. El Adly's least offense, is money laundering. He should stand trial for crimes against humanity and mass murder. Same applies to Mubarak, Azmy, and all his other cronies. NO EXCEPTIONS will be tolerated.

6-Dismantling of the NDP and the nationalization of all its headquarters and accounts, as well as the banning of all its leaders and officials from taking part in political life.

I bid you for maximum participation as this will be the only way to really change our homeland. We cannot let our country slip away from us.